Monday, November 24, 2014


Fun, something you don't realize you are missing until BAM!! There it is! 

Our sister & brother in law have 2 children close in age to our children which really makes things a lot easier when you think about how compatible you are in the activities you do. 

Well unfortunately they live almost 3 hours away, fortunately we / they visit often.  It was really great this weekend they came and we swapped children watching so we could each go to the movies.  When we got home they had all four kids asleep and we dived right into an adult appropriate movie (something that rarely happens around our very kid friendly home).  We visited and laughed and had such a good time.  Something that I'll look forward to doing again very soon.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Big Changes

Something big is going to happen.  I've known for a while it needed to.  It's amazing the stress of change puts on us even when we realize that the change is good.  I'm still nervous there's no doubt.  Not about the change but about the process of the change.  There's those little uncertainties that lay ahead and no matter how much prepping yourself you do it's still nerve wracking.  It's going to be okay, it's going to be great.  Some great things I'm giving up are going to be replaced by other great things and the not so great things well hopefully they'll go away.  Only time will tell.  Here's to new beginnings!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Eye Opener

Sometimes the truth hurts even when it's good for us.  I've struggled with my weight now forever and even health complications haven't been the motivation I've needed.  But my four year old saying Mommy why is your belly so big and making a song out of it is quite an eye opener. 

I really want to teach my girls to live healthy by eating properly and exercising.  The very best way to do so is be the example.  That way they don't have the same struggles I've had.  I have a very good life with a loving family so this change should come easy.  The inspiration is there.

It's time to learn that 30 minutes a day for exercise isn't asking for to much.  It's not just for me it's for my family to.  I feel great when I'm on that treadmill starting to sweat and seeing that I'm accomplishing something.  Now my daughter asks me if it's time for me to go run, what a great little motivator.  My answer is yes, not only for me.  I hope that when it's her turn to get on that treadmill it's not from a life long struggle of being overweight but it's because that's just the way it is. 

Teach others to do good for themselves by doing something good for yourself.